Jessica Hollister, Вольгинский

Jessica Hollister, Вольгинский

  • Город: Вольгинский, Россия
  • Дата рождения: 27.09
  • Пол: женский
  • ВКонтакте: 12139622
  • Образование:
    Школа: Вольгинская средняя
Jessica слушала аудиокниги
  • Музыка: miles to paradise, , Jane Air, 30 Days of February, , Screamo, Rashamba, Scotch, Idia Fix, Line, Ocean of My Nadezhda, Psyche, Slot, bullet for my valentine, , thin red filament, [AMATORY], reanima, Rites of Spring, Alesana, Bless the Fall, Enter Shikari, Story of the Year, Thursday, The Used, Three Days Grace, Escape the Fate, A Static Lullaby, Bullet for my Valentine, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, From Autumn to Ashes, Envy, The Fall of Troy, Thrice, Fear before the March of Flames, Underoath, Emery, Love hate Hero, Harriet the Spy, Bring me the Horizon, Suicide Silence, Shikari, Jimmy Eat the World, Hostile Breed, Maximum the Hormone, Icelips, Flyleaf, Indonesia, Deform, , Tenkorr, ReAnima, , , , , 5'nizza, neversmile, stigmata, Tracktor Bowling, Animiya, Maio, FOB, 30STM, Оригами, Психея, Снег-снег, Marakesh, Плакса, тектоник, электрооо и т.д)) $$$$______________________________________, $$__$$_________$$________________$$_____$$, $$___$$______$$__$$_______$$$$___$$___$$__, $$____$$$__$$______$$___$$$______$$_$$____, $$____$$___$$______$$__$$________$$$______, $$$$$$_____$$______$$__$$________$$_$$____, $$____$$_____$$__$$_____$$$______$$___$$__, $$_____$$$_____$$_________$$$$$__$$_____$